A service-learning experience in the context of the covid-19 pandemic
service learning, technological proposals, educational resourcesAbstract
As a result of the worldwide confinement due to the COVID-19 virus, activities in general were paralyzed, thousands of students stopped attending school, many workers were called to work from home, access to shopping centers and the economy were restricted suffered a very significant lag, in particular university students stopped providing their services in support of society. This research is based on Service Learning as a teaching strategy to guarantee the link between students and society, given the confinement scenario, alternatives were sought to continue immersing students in solving organizational problems. Through a methodology of a quantitative nature, the objective of the study was to identify the contribution of service learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the results, it was discovered that the students recognize that the curricular content of the educational experience adapts very well when undertaking service-learning, recognizing its usefulness in being able to relate to the social sector and allowing them to mostly acquire responsibilities before the organizations and know how to communicate with customers in order to solve the problems identified. The achievements with Service Learning are important and have allowed students to find motivation during their lockdown.
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