Educational and self evaluation software for the basic sciencies of engineering careers.
Ubiquitous learning, constructivist learning, web pageAbstract
The objective of this document is to present a development project called “Educational and self-evaluation software for Mathematics Matters”, this consists of a software in the format of a web page, which serves as support for the students of the Engineering Education Programs, allowing to improve academic performance and reduce the high failure and dropout rates in the area of basic sciences. The design was student centered using modern learning theories, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) applied to education, so it can be used as part of the constructivist and meaningful learning activities that students require according to the Educational Model of the National Technological Institute of Mexico. Since the software uses the technologies of Active Web Pages, it can be mounted on a server connected to the Internet, establishing a virtual environment that allows it to be accessed ubiquitously through a mobile device. Since it has a friendly interface, it is easily accessible for students, and it is also a great help for Basic Science teachers who teach Mathematics.
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