Training of staff for the competitiveness of SMEs of LZC., MICH.


  • Rebeca Almanza Jiménez Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México,National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml
  • Nora Eloísa Herrera Hernández Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México,National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml
  • Alma Rosa Tapia Tapia Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México,National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml


Training, Competitiveness, SMEs, Customer satisfaction


The personnel training is considered an effective tool to improve the performance of employees within SMEs to achieve their competitiveness, because they are protagonists of the economic development of countries due to their contributions in income and Job creation. The objective of this study is to carry out an analysis and review of the importance of training and its research methodology is correlational since its purpose is to measure the degree of relationship between personnel training and its impact on competitiveness, using as an instrument of data collection the questionnaire with the objective of collecting information from the respondents.


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How to Cite

Almanza Jiménez, R., Herrera Hernández, N. E., & Tapia Tapia, A. R. (2024). Training of staff for the competitiveness of SMEs of LZC., MICH. Multidisciplinas De La Ingeniería, 12(19), 12–23. Retrieved from