Face mask design: materials and processes that determine the degree of efficiency in filtration
face masks, aerosols, materials, filtration mechanismsAbstract
The personal protection equipment it's fundamental in view of providing protection to the human population against the contagion of respiratory diseases caused by pandemics such as COVID-19. One of the primary devices is the mask, due to his efficiency highly related with the material used in it's productions, as well as the processes who are involved with the requirements unto the demand of one optimal filtration who its capable to minimize the transmision probability of the virus. The objective of this documental consultation of research articles of scientific investigation who serve to the engineer students may know the different materiales to use in such personal protectional equipments. The obtained results allow to observe different percentages of filtration and conduct or lead to the conclusion of the importance of the characteristics of the materiales and its properties, as well as the attachment to the normativity of its processings to the success for the great purpose of enhancing optimization.
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