Introduction and design of an engineering prototype in the development of science on basic education
Prototype, robotics, engineering, mechatronics, recyclable, technologyAbstract
To develop the following paper the methodology was designed a robot arm using design software and validate four movement stages stated in our initial hypothesis. So, we create a prototype to teach engineering fundamentals in elementary schools, that can not afford to buy special equipment, mainly focusing on cheaper and desirable solution for those schools, always focus in satisfying the specific needs of the children with the access to those applications and equipment, increasing the interested of the children on science and technology such as the robotics, engineering, or mechatronics. So, with the prototype we are sure that the schools of the state will have access to these engineering projects. It is important to highlight the total cost of this project it can be done with almost $300 MXP, because we use recycle materials, to help the finances of those schools on the program.
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