Technologies for production traceability in mexican southeast: a digital log test case on lactuca sattiva


  • Gonzalo Miguel Quetz Aguirre National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml
  • Marlene Méndez Moreno National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml
  • Ángel Francisco Can Cabrera National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml
  • Mario Ben-Hur Chuc Armendáriz National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml
  • Felipe de Jesús González Rodríguez National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml



Traceability, Innovation, Precision, Software, Digital Log


The agricultural technology introduction, timely monitoring and historical record of crops are currently essential to obtain good yields and as a consequence, the agriculture profitability. This innovative work shows the results obtained in the development of a digital agricultural logbook, which allows timely monitoring of crops, facilitating, the crop traceability, early detection of pests, diseases and the control of inputs for the reduction of investment costs, which together improve yields and quality in production process. The digital agricultural log was put to the test by recording the agricultural management processes carried out on a plantation of 1200 specimens of Lactuca sattiva commonly known as Orejona lettuce that are part of an organic vegetable production project. Among the results, it stands out that the software has received the record of four weeks of agricultural work during which no errors were observed in the code, except for minor adjustments. It was possible to make a historical record of the inputs implemented and record the conditions in which the main pests and diseases success.

Author Biographies

Gonzalo Miguel Quetz Aguirre, National Technological Institute of Mexico

Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Calkiní, México.

Marlene Méndez Moreno, National Technological Institute of Mexico

Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Calkiní, México.

Ángel Francisco Can Cabrera, National Technological Institute of Mexico

Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Calkiní, México.

Mario Ben-Hur Chuc Armendáriz, National Technological Institute of Mexico

Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Calkiní, México.

Felipe de Jesús González Rodríguez, National Technological Institute of Mexico

Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Calkiní, México.


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How to Cite

Quetz Aguirre, G. M., Méndez Moreno, M., Can Cabrera, Ángel F., Chuc Armendáriz, M. B.-H., & González Rodríguez, F. de J. (2023). Technologies for production traceability in mexican southeast: a digital log test case on lactuca sattiva. Multidisciplinas De La Ingeniería, 11(18), 40–48.