Improvement of the documented information of the integral management system
Quality, ISOAbstract
In this research project, the Comprehensive Management System under the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard was analyzed, in particular the Documented Information that will be our field of application, of the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering that will be our object of study taking into account that the main objective of the project is the Improvement of Documented Information since when administrative movements occur by a new organizational structure and comply with the requirements established by the IS0 21001: 2018 Standard, so it was resorted to verifying that the documented information of the different processes of the SGI of the FIME are in accordance with the stipulations of the ISO 21001 standard. These results allowed us to know the problems of the department and at the same time the improvement in the process. As a conclusion, it is shown as a result that the applied methodology positively impacts the key performance indicators Comprehensive Management System that includes the requirements of these two international standards.
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