Incorporation of Antocianins for the elimination of the cooked odor of pausteurized orange juice (Citrus sinensis L)
Anthocyanins, juice, pasteurization, cooked smell, Citrus sinensis LAbstract
Nowadays, citrus fruits are the most used fruits in obtaining natural beverages due to their highly appreciated and valued flavor worldwide. Among these fruits, orange (Citrus sinensis L) stands out from above others. The juice of this fruit is of great importance in the food industry, due to the economic importance of its commercialization. However, during the industrialization of this juice, specifically during pasteurization process, and due to the effect of high temperatures in this process, organoleptic changes occur, such as a "cooked smell" which has a negative impact on the sensory characteristics in processed juice. Minimizing or eliminating this smell is highly desirable, for which different natural additives that fulfill this function are being investigated. An option is to incorporate anthocyanins from different fruits, which have a positive impact on the smell of pasteurized juice. For this study, sensory analyzes were performed by incorporating extracts of raspberry and blackberry anthocyanins in order to determine the treatment conditions that allow obtaining pasteurized orange juice with the least “cooked smell”. To evaluate the effect of the aforementioned extracts, the smell was differentiated between pasteurized juice with and without anthocyanins, through a triangular test with 12 untrained tasters. Based on the results obtained, it was found that the incorporation of raspberry anthocyanins to pasteurized orange juice allowed the smell of cooking to be reduced to a greater extent.
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