Employment of ICT by teachers of the facultad de ciencias de la comunicación, UANL
learning, communication, teaching, information, technologiesAbstract
Use of Information and Communication Technologies, by teachers of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, UANL, is the problem exposed as fundamental part of their tasks, by using these tools to facilitate personal, educational and organizational communication and improve teaching - learning, complying with the general competencies, considered in the Educational and Academic Models, of the UANL and the specific ones, of the FCC. Methodology. Descriptive, no-experimental, no-exploratory study of the Social Sciences. 2 measuring instruments were used. Results: 75% use ICT between 4 and 5 days and 65% use them between 3 and 4 hours, weekly in classes and learning units. All classrooms have smart screens, as the main tool and 80% use them. Around 85% use their Laptop, Smartphone and Tablet. Strategies: mental and concept maps, summaries, synoptic tables, presentations, illustrations and comparative tables. Learning environments are varied and ensure that the classes develop as well as possible, according to the circumstances. 90% consider their use very effective for learning. Conclusions: ICTs are used by teachers, in their versions, between 4 and 5 days and 3 to 4 hours a week, with varied didactic strategies and fostered learning environments.
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