Strategy for improving quality and safety in electrical installations
Quality, norm, safety, Electrical installationsAbstract
The present article has the objective to show a clear strategy to apply and comply the Mexican norm NOM-0001-SEDE-2012, focused in electrical installation’s safety in the extension of a building, performed by the company EQUIPOS Y SERVICIOS HERMAR located in De Las Rosas 620, Allende, Nuevo Leon. The methodology used to obtain the data for analysis consists in the qualitative method, using mainly verification sheets as quality tool, Pareto diagrams, histograms, and Ishikawa diagrams. Also it was realized an analysis with the elaboration of descriptive data, these results will allow to know the percentage of comply of the norm. In conclusion, this document presents the comparative between before and after the results where it is shown that the methodology applied, positively impacts compliance of safety in electrical installations.
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