Impact of technological residues on health and the environment.


  • Alicia Magdalena Bridat Cruz Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • María Alejandra Rosas Toro Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Brissa Angélica Burgos Sánchez Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Luis Raymundo Arán Sánchez Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Luis David Cruz Estrada Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México



Electronic Waste, E-waste, Environment


For a few years, the human being is increasingly using electrical and electronic equipment for their daily tasks, the massive consumption of these elements generates a large amount of toxic waste that seriously damages the environment. The so-called junk or electronic scrap is one of the most worrying problems facing the current ecology. In the last decades and mainly at the beginning of the new century, manufacturing, and the consumption of electrical and electronic devices have increased in large proportions, due to the great benefits and facilities that it has given to the development of humanity. However, each time the life of these products is shorter and therefore generate tons of electronic waste at the end of its useful life, that its destination is the municipal dumps, recycling or simply obsolete disposal. This is a serious problem since most electronic devices contain toxic elements that, when not properly managed or treated in their elimination, generate great consequences to the environment, thus affecting all its components and particularly the human being. 

Author Biographies

Alicia Magdalena Bridat Cruz, Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México

Docente de Tiempo Completo del Instituto Tecnológico de Cerro Azul. 

María Alejandra Rosas Toro, Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México

Docente de Tiempo Completo del Instituto Tecnológico de Cerro Azul. 

Brissa Angélica Burgos Sánchez, Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México

Jefa del Depto. de Ciencias Básicas del Instituto Tecnológico de Cerro Azul. 

Luis Raymundo Arán Sánchez, Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México

Docente de Asignatura del Instituto Tecnológico de Cerro Azul. 

Luis David Cruz Estrada , Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México

Estudiante del Instituto Tecnológico de Cerro Azul.


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How to Cite

Bridat Cruz, A. M., Rosas Toro, M. A., Burgos Sánchez, B. A., Arán Sánchez, L. R., & Cruz Estrada , L. D. (2023). Impact of technological residues on health and the environment. Multidisciplinas De La Ingeniería, 7(10), 36–45.