Ecological practices with partition


  • María Blanca Becerra Rodríguez Technological Institute of Querétaro image/svg+xml
  • Ángel Adad Franco Baltazar National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml
  • Arturo Hernández Hernández Polytechnic University of Queretaro image/svg+xml
  • Isabel Ernestina López Navarro National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml



Ecological practices., Partitions, Technological innovation, Hardness


This research shows the results of two problems that existed in different industrial sectors, one of them is dedicated to the production of partitions where the main problem lies in the quality of the partitions due to the deformation it presents according to its application and a second industry that is dedicated to making headstones, flowerpots and gardeners where at the end of the production of these articles have as waste to dust that exposed to the environment can contaminate soils.

In this research work is shown a good ecological practice between two companies, where the quality of the partition resides mainly in its physical constitution, to determine the quality of the partition, is subjected to the realization tests such as hardness.

The ecological practice implemented was to obtain a composite making use of marble that exposed to the environment  contaminates the soil, for the other partition company this component is key in its process of making partitions, hence the importance of performing ecological practices between two different companies.

The objective of this project was to provide a solution to both companies and the use, dust, time, disposal and improvement of the quality of the boards in terms of deformation and improvement of the property of hardness of the partition. This project shows the realization of an experimental design 23, with a point in the center, to obtain different formulas and later.

Author Biographies

María Blanca Becerra Rodríguez, Technological Institute of Querétaro

Encargada de Educación Presencial a Distancia del Instituto Tecnológico de Querétaro (ITQ). 

Ángel Adad Franco Baltazar, National Technological Institute of Mexico

Subdirector Académico del Instituto Tecnológico de San Juan del Río (ITSJR). 

Arturo Hernández Hernández, Polytechnic University of Queretaro

Coordinador en Ingeniería Mecatrónica de la Universidad Politécnica de Querétaro (UPQ). 

Isabel Ernestina López Navarro, National Technological Institute of Mexico

Jefa del Dpto. de Ing. en Gestión Empresarial del Inst. Tec. de San Juan del Río (ITSJR). 


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How to Cite

Becerra Rodríguez, M. B., Franco Baltazar, Ángel A., Hernández Hernández, A., & López Navarro, I. E. (2023). Ecological practices with partition. Multidisciplinas De La Ingeniería, 6(08), 01–11.